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Custom Icons for Services

How are icons requested?

The icons used in Homarr are automatically requested from the dashboard-icons repo.

Icons are requested in the following way:

  1. Get the name you entered
  2. Replace " " with "-" (to make it compatible with the link)
  3. Convert to lowercase
  4. Interpolate {name} in the link:{name}.png

If the name of the app you are trying to use is not recgonized as an icon you can still use the icon search function to find the icon you want or put in any link that returns an image or even add your own custom icons.


Adding your own icon(s)

1. Mounting the icon folder

Mount the /app/public/icons folder of your docker container.


2. Adding custom icons

Add any icon(s) to the folder. If you're using unRAID, connect using SMB or (S-)FTP.

3. Restart your docker container

Currently, a restart of the Homarr container is required to being able to load icons from the frontend. Simply restart it after adding your desired icons to the folder.

4. Use your icons for services

Access the icon(s) using /icons/name.png or /icons/name.svg.



If you're unable to load your cusotom icons, make sure that you've set the permissions correctly. Running chmod 755 /app/public/icons -R might resolve the issue.